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Call for participation in a study on harm reduction services during the COVID-19 pandemic

Thursday May 26th – 1pm EDT

Communities, Alliances & Networks (CAAN) has partnered with the Dr. Peter AIDS
Foundation, with the support of a CIHR grant, to explore how harm reduction programs and
services have adapted over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are particularly interested in
how the pandemic has impacted harm reduction programs, what adaptations were created in
response, and what resources would be helpful in addressing the gaps in services because of the
pandemic. We are conducting this real-time assessment to identify culturally responsive wise
practices that community organizations can use to mitigate the health and social consequences of
COVID-19 on Inuit, First Nation, and Métis peoples.

To do this, we are organizing regional sharing circles for harm reduction service providers,
or Indigenous people who use them, to discuss harm reduction during the dual epidemics of COVID-
19 and deaths due to the toxic drug supply.

Our conversation will be one hour, to an hour-and a half in length, during which we will
discuss the changes to programs, how these changes have impacted you or those you serve, as well
as visions for harm reduction programming during COVID-19 and beyond. The sharing circles will
be held virtually over a videoconferencing platform with an anticipated group of 4-8 individuals.

We will provide $30 honoraria for those who want to participate to honour their time and
expertise. Please see the regional sharing circle dates and times:
Pacific: Monday May 9th – 1 pm PDT
Atlantic: Wednesday May 11th – 1pm ADT
Prairies: Tuesday May 24th – 1 pm CDT
Central: Thursday May 26th – 1pm EDT
Quebec (with French interpretation): Monday May 30th – 1pm EDT

If you work in harm reduction or are an Indigenous person who uses harm reduction services, we
would love to hear from you. We would appreciate you sharing with your colleagues and networks.

To register for a sharing circle, or to ask for further information, please contact Caterina at or Savannah at .

Many thanks for your consideration!
