The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation took place September 30th, honouring
the children who never returned home from residential schools, survivors and their
families and communities. It was a day for sharing and a day for learning with
survivor testimony and Indigenous voices key to raising awareness and educating
all Canadians. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing
impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process.
CAAN is hosting a Healing Gathering (mâmawipayowin) in-person in Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan. Community conversations will be woven throughout two days of
culturally sensitive and culturally healing approaches, it will include the guidance of
Elders, spiritual healers, land-based teachings, and creating art. The overall
approach and methodology are to holistically support attending participants as they
dialogue and heal.
Through Heritage Canada, this discussion called Community conversations is
intended to help ensure that commemoration funding for the National Day for Truth
and Reconciliation meet the needs and the expectations of Survivors, their families,
and the broader Indigenous community. CAAN has agreed to assist through the
hosting of this gathering. They will be completing a national report that will be
published for all to review.
This initiative is a CAAN scholarship opportunity; all applications will be reviewed,
and 25 applicants will be invited based on lived experiences and will be chosen
based on the representation of the many diverse nations across the land called
Canada. All applicants must submit a letter to CAAN outlining why they would like
to add their voice to this gathering.
Privacy and Confidentiality will be acknowledged at all times.
If you would like to apply to attend this very important time of sharing and
healing, please fill out the application form below and attach a letter of
interest in attending this gathering. Please download the application, fill it
in, and return it to Brandi ()
by October 27, 2023.