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Automatic Assumption of Your Gender, Sexuality and Sexual Practices is Also Discrimination
May 10, 2021Sexual and mental health disparities are reported in Arctic Canada as in other Arctic regions that experience shared challenges of insufficient healthcare resources, limited transportation, and a scarcity of healthcare research. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer persons (LGBTQ+) report sexual and mental health disparities in comparison with their heterosexual and cisgender counterparts, and these disparities may be exacerbated in rural versus urban settings.
New Stigma Index Summary Sheet: For Healthcare Providers
May 10, 2021The BC People Living with HIV Stigma Index (often called the Stigma Index) is a dynamic research project in British Columbia born out of a community-identified need to turn the tide against persistent HIV stigma and discrimination.
Documenting Lessons Learned
May 10, 2021This project report responds to the need for documenting and sharing of domestic and international best and promising practices/approaches that demonstrate results toward meeting global HIV, TB, and hepatitis C reduction targets.
A Qualitative Study on Stigma and Discrimination Experienced by IPHA or having TB at Work
May 10, 2021The International Labour Organization (ILO) Geneva engaged the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN) and the secretariat of the International Indigenous HIV & AIDS Working Group (IIWGHA) to undertake a qualitative study on stigma and discrimination experienced by indigenous peoples living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and/or having tuberculosis (TB) at work.
National Indigenous Youth Council on Sexual Health and HIV & AIDS
May 10, 2021Indigenous youth reject the idea that they are inherently “at risk” because they are indigenous.
Creating Safer Spaces for Indigenous Women Living with HIV
May 10, 2021CAAN has two streams (programs and research)
that help to address some of the disparities that
Indigenous women living with or women who are
affected by HIV face.
Indigenous Leadership in HIV/AIDS
May 10, 2021The right to equitable and accessible health care “for all people without discrimination” is the guiding force behind Indigenous responses to HIV/AIDS.
Lessons Learned Responding to HIV, TB, and HCV in Indigenous Communities Globally
May 10, 2021This summary report shares lessons learned from a first look at global efforts in responding to global HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and hepatitis C (hep C) in Indigenous communities that aim to improve their good health today and the health of generations to come.