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Our Search for Safe Spaces: A Qualitative Study
May 10, 2021Aboriginal women are continuing to be over-represented among new HIV cases in Canada. Although Aboriginal people represent just 3.8% of the Canadian population, in 2005, estimates indicated Aboriginal people were about 7.5% of all prevalent HIV infections. Since 2004, at least 50% of newly reported HIV infections identified as Aboriginal are women and girls.
Indigenous Communities and HIV Disclosure to Sexual Partners
May 10, 2021Learning about your HIV-positive status is an important step for your health. But knowing that you are HIV-positive also has other implications in your life — for example, deciding whom to tell about your HIV status.
IndIgenous CommunItIes: HIV, Privacy and Confidentiality
May 10, 2021Knowing your rights and responsibilities when it comes to HIV disclosure, privacy and confidentiality is an important way to protect your privacy.
IndIgenous CommunItIes and HIV and HCV in Federal Prisons
May 10, 2021A history of cultural oppression, the damaging legacy of abuse in residential schools, and ongoing racism and colonialism have contributed to high rates of imprisonment for Indigenous people.
International Strategic Plan on HIV & AIDS
May 10, 2021The International Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS For Indigenous Peoples and Communities from 2011 to 2017 (ISPHA) supports the Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV principle.
Aboriginal Strategy on HIV/AIDS in Canada (ASHAC)
May 10, 2021The Aboriginal Strategy on HIV/AIDS II was developed in direct consultation with 140 people.
Journal of Indigenous HIV Research
May 5, 2021The JIHR is an annual on-line journal published by CAAN as a service to its members and anyone with an interest in Indigenous community-based research (CBR).